Make a backup copy of a digital ID

You can create a backup file of your digital ID in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 and secure the file with a password. Backup files for Microsoft Exchange digital IDs have an .epf (.epf file: A file type that Outlook uses to import or export a digital ID (certificate and private keys) obtained from the Microsoft Exchange Key Management Server.) extension, while backup files for Internet e-mail digital IDs have a .pfx (.pfx file: A Personal Exchange File type that Outlook uses to import or export a digital ID (certificate and private keys) used in S\MIME security.) extension.

  1. On the Tools menu, click Trust Center, and then click E-mail Security.
  2. Under Digital IDs (Certificates), click Import/Export.
  3. Click Export your Digital ID to a file.
  4. Click Select, click the digital ID that you want to back up, and then click OK. The certificate appears in the Digital ID box.
  5. In the Filename box, type a name and path for the backup file that you want to create, or click Browse.
  6. In the Password box, create a password for the backup file.
  7. In the Confirm box, type your password again.
  8. Click OK.

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