Use multiple profiles


You may need more than one profile in either of the following situations:
  • If you use Outlook on a single computer that you share with other people whom you trust
    For example, if you and your spouse have separate e-mail accounts, each of you can also have a separate profile, each with the appropriate accounts and settings.
  • If you maintain multiple Exchange accounts

If you need more than one profile, you can create an additional profile at any time, and add to it the accounts and settings that you want. When you switch from one profile to another, you change the e-mail accounts and settings that are available to you in an Outlook session.

Use a single profile

Most people need only a single profile. When Outlook runs for the first time, the first profile is created automatically and is named "Outlook." Whenever Outlook starts, this default profile runs automatically. When you add or modify e-mail accounts, or include an additional .pst file to use, you are modifying your profile. You can modify your profile at any time, but you cannot change the name of a profile after it is first created.